Target audience for any business

About Us

42n is a company in Tonti Laguna and Netpeak Group. Our main goal is to attract the target audience for our and partner projects, effectively solving the business problems of each of them. The experience and expertise of our specialists have allowed 42n to become a successful business development channel for dozens of companies around the world.
  • 1M+ users monthly 80% of our audience is from the USA and Canada
  • 30+ partners We successfully work with companies from entertainment, financial, technology and other areas
  • 11 employees We are developing rapidly. This information is probably out of date 😉

Our Team

Mabel Rogers Project Manager
Daniel Harris SEO Specialist
Marguerite McGee Content Dept Team Lead
Elmer Henry Web Designer
Tom Smith Web Developer
Mabel Rogers Project Manager
Daniel Harris SEO Specialist
Marguerite McGee Content Dept Team Lead
Elmer Henry Web Designer
Tom Smith Web Developer

How can we help you?

Let us know how we can help and we’ll get right back to you 🙌